mi blag

Another day, another dollar

Tiempo de lectura estimada: 1 minutos

Víctor Jáquez

First I went to TATSA. I met there with an old assistent of the programmer who coded their system: Julia, a pretty and skinny girl... I'll see her the next monday ... 8-)

We found that in XP the old config.sys & autoexec.bat are overrided by system32config.nt & system32autoexec.nt... an hour lost in that *censored*y thing...

Then, Julio and I went to the local newspaper, El Sol del Bajío, with the proposal of a weblog for the city oriented to the regional election. Just a social experiment. They're expecting a wrote proposal, and Julio doesn't have head to write something usefull.

Abanet accepted the garqmail project!... money, money, money...

In the afternoon went to the Tecno to see the brand-new installation of OpenBSD in the Sparc20. Something is going wrong: the screen output slows the whole system terribly, but if I work in a remote ssh session, everything works smooth&easy. Installed the ports and kernel sources. We decided go and leave the computer compiling bind9 and the kernel.

At the night Julio and I ate 12 tacos each, and then me and mom went to my cousin's birthday party... something to forget.