mi blag

The first monday without identity

Tiempo de lectura estimada: 1 minutos

Víctor Jáquez

This was my first monday without identity. Even me don't know who I'm now. Last saturday I lost or somebody stole my wallet. No money, only credentials and bank cards (damn!). So I spent all the morning trying to give me back my identity. The bank asked me for a lot of papers, tomorrow I'll have my money back. But the sad thing is that I won't vote in the next elections, the electoral roll is close until the elections are over.

Keep reading about the war. My suspicions where right: the angloamerican media are corrupted and buyed by their goverments.

Finished the briged OpenBSD firewall. It's really fancy.

In class, we discuss the MS Palladium issue. My students didn't like it 'cause they want to keep their piracy status quo.

Finally, I got paid by PCD. I really detest the mexican invoice mess.