glib, wireless and surprises
Tiempo de lectura estimada: 2 minutos
Víctor JáquezSysadmins are so dumb
In this week I found two proofs that 1) wireless networks are spreading quickly and 2) their administrators are really stupid.
The first was in Queretaro, I was in a fourth floor of a ten floors building, no access points around, and Uma found an AP, the DHCPCD got a routable IP, and no firewall traceable.
The second proof was in the second floor of Julio's house. I brought Uma to rip a couple of chill out CDs, when I notice that the DHCPCD was running: I got no-routeable IP but with Internet access, just a stupid proxy blocking hotmail and yahoo's mail. I checked the route, nmapped the next-to-me AP and found Linux as OS and the HTTPS port open, made a conection: it was a Teletronics AP! I checked for the default admin password: Got access! I found two wifi-nets, without any search, with no security. What make me wonder how many wifi-nets are in the same situation, just in Celaya, and, how much I could do securing them: cracking/publishing/fixing.
Glib's meeting
Last Saturday was a very informal glib's meeting at chez Requiem. It was great to listen them, great talks about all that stuff that couldn't chat in the real life, know about them... definitely I love the glib, love FS/OS...
Rescue Celaya Monuments!
I admit it: Celaya isn't a beautiful city, it doesn't have many nice places, but the few things that the city has are in total destruction. We must save those places, in order to have a better city:
- the Tresguerras' Bridge, at least there's the new bridge, now we have to restore it and return it his original beauty.
- The Mona's bridge, is full of graffitti, so forgotten and it must be restored and publicised.
- Catedral and el Carmen,
- el Jardín Princial and la Alameda
I'm pretty sure that Celaya could be a nice place, with beautifull sights if we restore all its buildings. But it's seems that we just want to live in an horrible city.