23 Enero, 2:08am
Tiempo de lectura estimada: 1 minutos
Víctor Jáquezhome alone
Jackie went to DF, so I'm alone. Not a bad saturday, but no a good one either: no wine, no party...
Finished my work with player/stage gentoo's ebuilds.
Read some of 1984.
Wrote a sketch about knowledge economy, for my Investigation Seminar.
Modified a little the Coral's router ACL in order to permit sucorreo do http conexions without pass the proxy.
Watch Last exit to Brooklyn. Tough movie. Tralala's history shocked me.
Cleaned the bathroom and my room.
Gave some money to Pame. She didn't have enough for her bus ride. She gave me a tasty strawberry yoghurt.
Cooked a delicious chicken with mushrooms.
Played with feedparser.
Gotta sleep. Haven't shaved and the beard itchies me.