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Víctor JáquezBeautiful weekend. After my Cuernavaca farewell and my arrival to Celayita, the fun began. Let's review it:
Thursday: In a adventure rush, Julio and I decided to travel to Querétaro. We got lost in the mission of getting at Chuy&Adriana's place. Finally we got there, Adriana was very nice with us, we went for a tacos and beer. Julio got back to Celaya and I stayed waiting for Chuy. At 2am Chuy came and ride in his car in search of beer or bar. Sleep there.
Friday: Got back to Celaya, at Tresguerras. Worked there in their VPN and Jabber. Talked about work there when finish my master. At night walked to Coral because Edeninvited me to their Christmas party. The party was really cool, and the big surprise was when Eden gave me Unreal Tournament 2004 as gift (it works in Linux!)... that guy is pure love...
Saturday: GLIBfest!!! Four years of been a GUL!!! amazing, thanks to Sinué and Jacob, that folks really kicked asses organizing all the event. Judith offer me go with she in her brand new Neon. Nice ride. At the meeting met a phD student of the Irvine University... I'll look for him...
Sunday: Bullfight!!! With Julio&Mayra went to the bullfight in the improvised bull ring. Pablo Hermoso, Zotoluco and Manolo Mejía gave us a great show. The bulls where no big deal, neither the bullfighters, but they had their moments, in special Mejía and Mendoza.
Tomorrow I'll be at Abanet.