Holden Caulfield
Tiempo de lectura estimada: 1 minutos
Víctor JáquezLa otra historia de México. Hidalgo e Iturbide (La gloria y el olvido). Armando Fuentes Aguirre, Catón (10/02/2011 - 02/21/2012)
Cumbres borrascosas. Emily Brontë (04/23/2012 - 05/08/2012)
The enigma of capital and the crises of capitalism. David Harvey (12/05/2011 - 05/17/2012)
La conjura de los necios. John Kennedy Toole (05/01/2012 - 06/10/2012)
De profundis, the Ballad of the Reading Goal and Other writings. Oscar Wilde (12/04/2010 - 06/24/2012)
Las partículas elementales. Michel Houllebecq (06/26/2012 - 07/12/2012)
The catcher in the rye. J. D. Salinger (07/13/2012 - 08/11/2012)
The mark of the inmmature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one
—Wilhelm Stekel
That's phony!