mi blag

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Tiempo de lectura estimada: 1 minutos

Víctor Jáquez

Otro extracto de "The enigma of capital and the crises of capitalism" de David Harvey.

The central problem to addressed is clear enough. Compound growth for ever is not possible and the troubles that have beset the world these last thirty years signal that a limit is looming the continuous capital accumulation that cannot be transcended except by creating fictions that cannot last. [..]

It must first be clearly recognised, however, that development is not the same as growth. [..] It is false to maintain that growth is a precondition for poverty and inequality reduction or that more respectful environmental policies are, like organic foods, a luxury for the rich.

[..] The struggle for radical egalitarianism also requires a reconceptualisation of the relation to nature, such that nature is no longer viewed as 'one vast gasoline station', as the German philosopher Martin Heidegger complained in the 1950s, but as a teaming source of life forms to be preserved, nourished, respected and intrinsically valued.